Saturday, March 29, 2008

for instants

thankfully, amy mosley had an art show last night. She likes to tie knots in string just so you and i can have the pleasure of untying them....very giving. She's a healer and a gem. I had the pleasure of accompanying her on a beach walk last year out at Pt Reyes; we talked and read and ate some snacks, and both realized that we like to go off the path when we take hikes. We ended up getting into some pretty dense thicket (it always looks less dense from far away) and made it out only by the good grace of a passage of deer trails. I found the largest antler I've ever found that day. Amy said she had never found an antler before so offered it to her, but she wanted me to keep it...very giving.

what a nice show.thanks Amy! thanks Forthrite Printing! thanks Yes Please!

Thursday, March 27, 2008


a week ago, I, david, flew home to central Massachusetts to visit my family and dig the last gasps of winter. whenever I reenter my family's house I am always showered with the residue of my kidhood, layered and layered, and it's always a trip. I feel like I spend so much time these days collecting old things and imagining who they belonged to and how they were a part of some life ago that it's extra wowerful (thanks for the word frank) when the old things discovered are mine, and the life ago imagined is a shape of my memory! it's VERY consuming, and I usually have to bring myself back after not too long for fear that if I excavate too hard I'll get lost in memory land and be trapped, a little bit like Bill Murray in Groundhog's's a departure from the present for sure, but a healthy does of that does a person good (especially when you get to look at comics you drew when you were in 2nd grade).

one thing I was especially searching for were these drawings I did of my mom's hands and feet when I was 9. my mom really was hoping to find them too, so we looked through all of these old portfolios and found them buried in a folder marked in my little dave cat-scratch: "relalistuk drawings" (realistic).

I don't need to call myself a child art wizard, but I was pretty impressed....
....I also found it hilarious that at the same time I did those drawings I was doing THESE drawings (this is the real stuff):

YES those are scenes from my comic book series Diacy (about a ninja whose face got melted into a skull by gang) YES that's a flyer for my 4th grade metal band "Outlaws of Metal" (my second band...first being a solo acoustic metal project called "Powerline" with the hit single "Satan" from the platinum album "To the Head"), and YES that's a portrait of George Bush the first (I don't really get that one, but I like it).

anway, here's some more goodies from even earlier days:

what a trip!

here's my brother josh emailing his new lady love, very much in the present.

and my mom ellen reading in a chair that they've had longer than they've had me.

and my dad howie in our greenhouse (just kidding, this is at a botanical garden near where we live).

they're my family, and they're what's hard about living in California.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Saturday, March 8, 2008

litte drummer boy and captain dandy

this would be the perfect title for a naval themed gay romance set in the mid nineteenth also perfectly describes how I felt as the guest percusser for Jeff Manson's set the other night at the Red Devil lounge. I listen to his songs all the time on my home stereo, and I love him, so this was a real treat.

check out these videos from the show

White Rainbow/Valet/Atlas Sound tonight at the Bottom of the Hill...go surrender.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


-faith no more.

great band, deep question. The it above is a lil musical video of Ship that Josef Lucas of KNOWProductions made one and a half years ago and just posted. It happened right at the birth of Tree, our collection of songs inspired by a choral chant from a cosmic celebration that frank stumbled upon. people singing the word 'tree' as if they were singing the word 'amen.' over and over. we had just had our first outdoor show up in the Eucalyptus grove in berkeley (with Snowblink, and Nat Russell, and Mariee Sioux, and Joseph Childress). Josef had done some filming that night and he wanted to flush out the footage with us scampering around a bit. It feels young, and silly, but it is as we are. so there you go. The footage of Snowblink from the Eucalyptus grove is quite precious. I forgot about how i nearly set daniella's hair on fire.

anyway, it's funny to see this early stab at video play having just completed our TreeVD. and it's always nice to share. Thank you Josef for finishing this project even though it is well past its conception. That's a mark of good character... finish what you've started.

here's a video that Josef made at our second outdoor show, the Tunnel Show:

Which reminds me that Snowblink is playing at the Red Devil Lounge tonight with Jeff Manson and Sonya Cotton. hooray!