it was a dreamy time saturday night, such a treat to get to make an adult size play pen and invite lots of lovely people to come huddle and nuzzle...(nut ruzzle?). thank you for coming and gracing the tent. we neglected to put a mailing list sign up sheet, but if you would like to be kept abreast of future shows of the sort, email
some thanks:
thanks to Kelly Best for opening the doors to his home space to become an other space...if you ever need some rad furniture built, he is a man of absolute consideration, taste, and craft. A talented gentleman that I feel fortunate to have worked with and learned from.
thanks again to Conor Ottenweller for helping print the printed goods so good and for connecting me with Kelly (and thanks to Eli Reitz for putting me in touch with Conor, and for some speaker borrowing).
thanks to Aurora for the assistance in gathering the many lamps that gently lit the inner tent, keeping it as wombly as possible.
thanks to Andrew and the dudes at the Depot for Creative Reuse for the assistance in gathering all the fabric that kept the tent billowy and large.
thanks to Hannah for connecting me with the depot dudes (and for serving them delicious treats from bakesale betty to keep them happy), and for these photos and for all else, duh.
thanks to Leif for knowing what everyone needs and bringing delicious treats for all to enjoy in the tent.
thanks to Meara O'reilly for offering an enchanting and stunning performance.
thanks to Viking Moses and Golden Ghost for being our out of town guests and treating us to their out of town tunes.
and thanks thanks thanks to Daniela Gesundheit for wanting to work on this show and so many other shows together with such energy 'thusiasm and care. and love. and thank you for sharing your songs with this community these past few years; every event you've been a part of has gone next level as soon as you let the voice of yours out. you woooed us all. tender magic. this was such an honor to help host your pen-ultimate bay area show (for the time being...).
the point is: it takes a village to build a tent. dreams happen. and we will miss daniela.