Addressed to the vast aggregate spectrum classic; the crew; the braided massculine and femininfinity.
Your forever pleasing unknown offerings are forever pleasing and becoming known as offered...
and so dave and I have come to offer in return...
Ship at the Cafe Du Nord
Wednesday Aug. 1st.
Doors 8:30, show 9:30.
I believe we are 2nd, but we could be first!! We've made way less culture than any of these kids!! DANE!!!
If you want real proper information:
Also, apropos the many colord pixels, though mostly green,
Dave And I are working on approximately 2,384,518,343 books right now, and one of them is tentatively titled "tree hugs." I still think it should be called "wetnosed branch snugglers," but like all things, its a battle to the end right! RIGHT!
Anyways, It's about a lot of things. Being (mis)understood. Being labeled. The birth of Irony. Uhhh...ultimate chillaxation sesh seeking amongst the foliage and the friends.
I think I/we might write a long beautiful essay on all it means to me/us.
And remember,
Are I am You?
It's fine to ask yourself that again and again and again and again and again and again and again,
because theres nothing simple or serious about it.
your friend,