Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hard Dancing

I'm currently getting ready for some barn dj action, and I'm doing a pretty heavy dance music assessment. it's like my master's thesis in movement...what inspires the hardest dancing?

and what is hard dancing, you might wonder..for that question I can very simply refer you to my friend Opal seen above and very much below, HARD DANCING.

it's free.
that's for sure.

Dear Frank Lyon and I would talk about hard dancing all the time...that's kinda the medium through which we became friends...recognizing in each other the interest in dancing our faces off. Amazingly, two of my favorite hard dancing friends will be in town from the east coast for the Barn Show...Tim and Jamie Dutcher. They are brothers and they started The Boogie Club, something I am thankful to have aligned stars with. it was formative.

and speaking of alignment...the stars have spoken: 2009 is for dancing. get ready, start stretching.

[and if you need further clarification and inspiration on the hard dancing front...please refer back to these videos that Frank posted awhile back of stevie wonder playing music for kids on Sesame Street in the early 70s....nothing could be clearer]

Monday, January 26, 2009

Barn Vision

I've been in deep with some hard barn planning...everything is shaping up to be mighty shapely.  I'm excited.

Despite whole headed barn occupation, I did find a moment to draw some shells and make this poster for the slew of Karl Blau/ Painted Cakes shows that Eli Reitz has orchestrated...if you didn't get a ticket for the barn show, you've got ample opportunities to enjoy Mr. Blau and the Cakes (not to be confused with Cake):

wednesday at the Rickshaw Stop in SF
thursday at Woulds in Oakland (on San Pablo and 59th st)
friday at The Basement in Nevada City

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Myeth Wyeth

one of my favorite painters, Andrew Wyeth just passed on.

frank once had a moment of clarity in which he realized that sir Wyeth is my spirit animal.

It's true...growing up, my parents had a print of one of his paintings that I would stare at endlessly and I think it peaked my appreciation of the feeling of "plain." Seeing the way he paints grass gives me the warm shivers and makes me want to draw grass all day long. And that painting of the boy: feel it.

here's some days I spent drawing dune grass.

thanks to max for waking me up with the news. thanks to frank for calling me to share a moment. thanks to gravel and gold for also posting up on the man.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

thanks friends...send an email to ribbonspublications[at] with any queries.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

January 31st...Barn Show!

there's going to be a show out in Winters CA on a farm, in a barn, with a dinner, and Karl Blau, and Little Wings, and The Sarees, and a barn dance, and a sleepover...

check out all the info ( and reserve yourself a spot and come!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Barn SH

just about ready to spill the beans...


This Friday the 9th Pocahaunted, Barn Owl, and Sun Araw are playing at a little place in SF China Town called the Li Po lounge (916 Grant @ Washington). It's going to be off the chain.  I know this.

I know this because I have only good associations with every element of the show.  

Like, how the the poster above was made by Nat.

Like, how Snowblink played at the Li Po lounge last Spring and it felt like a dirgey high school hang in a friend's basement.  
Like, how Barn Owl so warmly inaugurated the series of musc that happened at the CAVE
earlier this fall.

Like, how Pocahaunted raged through a set to cap off our series of music that happened last winter as part of  Enter the Center 

Like, how it feels good to go see a good show with good friends like I expect to do this friday.
So come on, let's get dumplings and listen to droney music. Excellent.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

old home

here's some drawings from the visit back east... looking out on a rain stormed front yard (pre snowstormed...see below), and looking down the hill from the top of my street (memories of buttboarding abound).

it's official, the first weekend of 2009 is melllow.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

alive in 2009

this image gets me riled up whenever I look at it...having put 2008 to bed in bolinas last night, I'm ready to keep being in alive in 2009.  
so long 8

oh, and if anyone didn't have a chance to make it over to Forthrite Printshop earlier in November to see the collection of drawings I made called From Now On, you can catch a peak over at Hatch (formerly Ego Park) on 23rd and Telegraph in Oakland.  There's a group show opening tomorrow, Friday, from 5-10pm as part of Oakland Art's a preview of the artists who will be showing over the course of the coming year.  I know Nat Russell is in it too, and at the little preview of the preview show, he was drawing spirit animals, so we can all hope collectively that he'll do that again.